Become a Co-Laborer
We thank God for each person joining in the work of building the Lord's House with us.
We have received the privilege of joining together in one mind and one accord with Christ Jesus; to share in accomplishing all the Work our Heavenly Father has called us to do. When you choose to Co-Labor with A DAY OF PRAYER (ADOP), you share in the impact the Lord is having throughout the whole earth; reconciling all things to Jesus.
We, as His Body His Bride, and His Church are being built up into Him; for His Glory. As our Heavenly Father has knit us together, let's function together, to accomplish all He has commanded us to do.
God's Mandate to ADOP
"It's time to build My House...", were the words spoken by the Lord to A DAY OF PRAYER Pastors John and Kimmesha Lussier in the Fall of 2021. A command that we immediately knew could not be accomplished without the Lord (Hebrews 3:4, 6; Psalm 127:1; Zechariah 2:11). We also knew the Lord never intended us to accomplish this immense task without other like-minded believers (Zechariah 6:15; 1 Peter 2:4-6).
Building The Lord's House is not about constructing an actual building; it's about using the unique ministry tools God has given A DAY OF PRAYER to help bring many people from all nations into a real relationship with our Heavenly Father through His Son, Jesus the Christ.
(1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19)
For this reason, ADOP is helping the world "Engage in relationship with Christ through Prayer, Faith, and His Word".

This image is meant to represent the massive undertaking of building the Lord's House, and is not intended to depict the actual work this ministry is commanded to do.

Blessings of being a Co-Laborer
We thank God for every person joining in the work of building The Lord's House alongside us. We are blessed to be part of the largest family in heaven and on earth.
We are extremely thankful for every Co-Laborer (Fellow Servant) that has sown into this ministry and shares in every good work. Every soul saved, every healing, every deliverance, every need ministered, every podcast, video, blog post, and Word of the Lord spoken throughout the entire Earth through A DAY OF PRAYER - is credited to your Heavenly account (1 Corinthians 3:8-9).
You are always being lifted up in our prayers, every area and aspect of your life, before our God and Heavenly Father; who knit The Body of Christ together, in His Almighty Name.
You will be blessed; and, so will everyone else involved!
Who are ADOP Co-Laborers?
Anyone - individual, family, ministry, or business who chooses to willfully and faithfully do the Will of our Father in Heaven (Matthew 12:48-50).
And prays for A DAY OF PRAYER, so we may complete everything our Heavenly Father has commanded this ministry to do; just as we are praying concerning you.
(2 Thessalonians 3:1-3; Ephesians 6:18-20)
If you are being led by Holy Spirit to join in as a fellow servant, we'd love to carry out the Work of the Lord, for His Glory, alongside you...Co-Laborer.